Modern society has put a premium on producing, and sometimes that hustle culture (Instagram likes; Etsy sales ) can drain some joy from crafting. This book helps embroidery fans abandon that notion and, instead, realize that life is about treasuring what's important.
- Interviews with 14 creative stitchers--from business owners to accomplished artists--make readers feel embraced by community.
- Each artist shares photos of their creations, encouraging readers to incorporate empowering concepts into their stitching.
- Three step-by-step projects, personalized to the reader's own preferences, teach how to
1. use your threads to treasure and display your life's meaningful special objects. For instance, a special token of a favorite moment like a seashell, an event ticket, or a trinket from childhood.
2. use your threads to treasure your worn and well-loved things, like your favorite garment, with mending and adornment (while also treasuring our environment).
3. use your threads to treasure your small everyday moments--sit still, breathe deeply, and enjoy the making process--by creating a daily practice.