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Floss Bobbins, Tear Drop Shape

Floss Bobbins, Tear Drop Shape

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Normally I love cardboard bobbins, but I get frustrated when they bend or break. These bobbins will likely last a lifetime! Made by a Canadian designer for Seed Stitch Studio, these bobbins are going to live to see several skeins of thread. Made from a sturdy, white plastic, these will keep your threads in tip-top condition.

You'll notice that these bobbins don't require winding your floss - this keeps your threads in much better condition and avoids troublesome kinks.

The top hole is for putting your bobbins on a metal ring. The largest hole is for looping your threads on. And the small hole just above the thread hole is a spot for any "working" threads.

Set of six bobbins tied together with baker's twine.